All-On-4 Dental Implants

Are you seeking an alternative to conventional dentures or partial implants? All-On-4 dental implats can be your solution.

All-On-4 Dental Implants - Perth Dental

Are you seeking an alternative to conventional dentures or partial implants? All-On-4 dental implats can be your solution.

All-On-4 is an implant system designed for patients with full dentures or extensive tooth loss in either the upper or lower jaw. Unlike traditional methods that use a single implant for each tooth, All-On-4 utilizes just four implants to replace an entire row of teeth, resulting in a more streamlined and cost-effective restoration of your smile.

For those unfamiliar with dental implants, it’s helpful to understand their mechanism. Each implant consists of a small titanium screw inserted into the jawbone through a minor surgical procedure.

Also known as All-On-X, All-On-4 is a tooth replacement procedure involving the placement of only four implants per jaw. This technique delivers immediate outcomes, providing a look, feel, and functionality that closely resembles natural teeth.

Benefits of All-On-4 - Perth Dental

Benefits of All-On-4

Benefits of All-On-4 - Perth Dental

While full bridges and dentures have long been the go-to options for replacing an entire upper or lower set of teeth, All-On-4 offers notable advantages:

It offers a robust replacement for missing teeth.

It provides the closest sensation to natural teeth.

Titanium implants aid in bone preservation.

With appropriate maintenance, implants can endure a lifetime.

Most of your natural biting force is retained.

Is All-On-4 the Right Choice for You?

Is All-On-4 the Right Choice for You

Finding an appropriate treatment for missing teeth is crucial. Neglecting the issue can result in jawbone deterioration and various oral health complications. As the jawbone diminishes and gums recede, you may notice alterations in your facial appearance, such as sagging.
Additionally, missing teeth heighten the susceptibility to gum disease, as receding gums create pockets for bacteria to thrive.

Is All-On-4 the Right Choice for You

Dentures can be inconvenient, necessitating additional hygiene routines and limitations on certain foods. Attempting to bite into hard foods like apples may cause dentures to slip or become damaged. All-On-4 provides a durable tooth replacement option that allows you to maintain much of your biting strength, enabling you to enjoy your favorite foods and regain the confidence to smile.

All-On-4 dental implants offer a permanent solution. They can be brushed and cleaned just like natural teeth, eliminating the need for removal or adhesive application. Unlike dentures, All-On-4 implants don’t exert pressure on the gums, enhancing overall comfort with this tooth replacement method.

All-On-4 is often the preferred choice for individuals missing most or all of their upper and/or lower teeth. Each All-On-4 set of teeth replaces a full row of teeth, requiring only four implants. It’s also suitable for individuals with inadequate or weak jawbones, conditions that would typically necessitate bone grafting or augmentation.

If you currently wear full or partial dentures or have considered a full bridge, we can assess whether All-On-4 is a better solution tailored to your specific needs.


Why Choose Perth Dental Implant?

Trusted Dentists

Trusted Dentists

Experienced, compassionate, skilled professionals providing exceptional dental care with integrity.

One-stop Dental Care services

One-stop Dental Care Services

Our clinic offers a full spectrum of dental services, including general dentistry, orthodontics, and dental implants.

Compassionate Care

Compassionate Care

We understand the importance of patient satisfaction and strive for excellence.

Latest & Modern Technology

Latest & Modern Technology

Our training and equipment are state-of-the-art, especially with the integration of digital technology for enhanced results.

Cost-effective payment options

Cost-effective payment options

We consistently consider treatment expenses and offer payment plans tailored to you.